This Wednesday we want to give a shout-out to a blog that inspires us to live a healthy lifestyle (and coincidently also makes us hungry while looking at its drool-worthy recipe photos). The Dashing Dish is a blog that is dedicated to providing "healthy alternatives to the foods you crave". We are most definitely craving her too-good-to-be-true recipes such as the French Toast Protein Shake,Crispy Parmasean Green Bean FriesChocolate Covered Strawberry Fro-Yo, and so many more! We seriously cannot believe that most of her recipes are gluten free, free of added sugars, and kid friendly! xoxo, Hoopnotica
We started out this week at the Hoopnotica office with this piece of inspiration... A number of our staff have set personal goals that will help them lead a healthier lifestyle, from quitting smoking to healthier food choices... We are so proud and excited to support them! We are firm believers that it is never too late to make positive changes in your life. It might be easier to make excuses and say you'll start tomorrow, or next week, but there is no better time than the present to take care of your health. Whether you need to nix a bad habit like smoking, or establish positive ones like exercise and healthy eating, just remember that today is always the beginning. And being that today also happens to mark the begining of the of Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana), it really is a beginning. So happy let's all celebrate new beginnings, no matter where we are in life. Happy New Year! xoxo, Hoopnotica
 “I love my new body and my new way of life. My hoop has changed me forever!” I was very overweight when I started hooping in the fall of 2009... Although I have battled with my weight for most of my life, I had experienced recent traumas that significantly effected my health and overall fitness levels. Life has taught me that although there are many things I have no control over, there are some things that I do. My Hoop Journey I had been through a treatment for cancer, and stacked with a subsequent pregnancy, my “Hoop journey” met me at a time when my weight was at an all time high. I weighed 230 lbs! It was at that point that I decided I needed to change my life. I felt that I could change my unhealthy path by beginning to live a healthy lifestyle.But as I started to change my eating habits, I realized that I had been through this before. Time and time again in my life I had restricted my diet with some degree of success; but the weight would always return. This time, I knew I needed to do more; I needed an activity that would get me moving and keep moving. The problem was that I really hated to exercise. I tried all types of activities but I never found anything that I enjoyed doing, and each activity would eventually just fade away. That is, until the day when I read an article online about Michelle Obama hooping on The White House lawn, to promote physical fitness. I was instantly intrigued…it looked fun! erinshmitt-header The only problem in my mind was that as a child I could not hula hoop at all! I was relentless in my online research about hooping and I decided I needed to give it a try.My husband heard my chatter about the hula-hoop and surprised me one day with a plastic kid’s hoop. He did not realize that I needed an adult sized hula hoop- but I didn’t let that disappoint me. I purchased a larger, adult-sized hoop online, and read up about how to waist hoop. I practiced this in my bedroom for a long time. I continued researching hooping online, and found Hoopnotica.I was immediately drawn to their style of teaching and how graceful the Hoopnotica Master Trainers were with their hoops; I wanted to be like them! I had never been considered graceful! I ordered the Hoopnotica program and watched the DVD chapters in my bedroom for months. I loved how I could just let go and free my mind while I was hooping. I felt an immediate stress relief when I hooped, and my weight was just melting off with every pass of the hoop. I became obsessed with it. A year later, I decided I wanted to dig deeper. I needed to find a hoop class. Sadly there were none in my area, but I did find a few hooping classes over an hour away. One of them was taught by a Hoopnotica Certified Instructor and instantly knew that was the class I needed to take. I drove for over an hour to take my first hoop class where I met a wonderful instructor and now, a good friend. This woman encouraged me to become a certified Hoopnotica teacher myself and I decided to go for it! I had two months to prepare for the training and I worked my butt off everyday for my teaching certification! In February 2010, I became a Hoopnotica Instructor and I am now certified in three levels! I completely amazed myself with my endurance during the training. If you would have told me the year prior that I would be training others to learn a form of physical fitness, I would have never believed you. Now I find so much satisfaction in teaching others Hoopnotica! I love that my classes are filled with joy and laughter; and teaches people that exercise does not have to be traditional or boring. Name: Erin Age: 37 City: Minotola, NJ Occupation: Hoopnotica Instructor Height: 5’6’’ Past Weight: 230 lbs Current Weight: 160 lbs
timothybeforeafter  “I encourage everyone to seek out a Hoopnotica class and give it a try. Hooping offers something for everyone.” I have been overweight my entire life... I cannot remember a time when my weight was ever considered healthy. Being in my early thirties and obese was not just affecting my self-image - it was affecting my health. My cholesterol and blood pressure needed to be controlled by medication. My health was seriously at risk. I had tried several diets over the years. Each time looking for that magic cure...that simple remedy to burn away the fat. Nothing seemed to work. One day I just decided that enough was enough. I was going to lose the weight. It wasn’t easy. It took a lot of hard work and I had to make a few lifestyle changes. I ate a balanced diet, paying close attention to the portion sizes of my food. I also made sure to exercise daily; burning more calories each day than I was eating. What I have gained is worth it. So far I have lost 80 pounds and kept the weight off. My cholesterol and blood pressure are now in a normal, healthy range. I have more energy than ever before. I now enjoy, and look forward to, exercising. There was no secret, no magic, no shortcuts. It took a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and a desire to get rid of all the excuses standing in the way of me achieving my goal. Seeing and feeling my body change has helped keep me motivated. timothy-bottom Tim's Hoop Journey For me, a healthy lifestyle is a combination of a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. When I first decided to live a healthier life, the only exercise I did was on the elliptical machine at the gym. It wasn’t fun, but I was able to burn enough calories that, when combined with a balanced diet, helped the weight come off. Once I started to lose weight I began to feel better (physically and emotionally). I wanted to find more ways to move my body. The elliptical machine was no longer enough for my new found energy and excitement. So I got into running. It took me outside, exploring some beautiful local parks surrounded by nature and fresh air. I ran my first 5k race; finishing in 24 minutes 27 seconds; first place for men in my age group! Overall I was the 23rd person to cross the finish line out of a total of 168 runners. I felt unstoppable. I wanted to find other ways to challenge my body and stay active. That’s when I stumbled across hooping for fitness. One day I read about a local woman who lost 140 pounds and her husband who lost over 100 pounds. This couple was Hoopnotica Master Trainer Jen Moore and her husband Keith. I’m always looking for new ways to exercise and they taught several Hoopnotica classes around town. I was a little apprehensive at first, but curiosity was too strong. I thought, “why not?” and signed up for their class. I remember my first class very well, I was so nervous. What if I can’t keep the hoop up? This is so silly! I’m the only guy taking this class! Then Jen walked into the room. She introduced herself to us, shared her inspiring story and her personality put me at ease. I had no problem keeping the hoop up. Jen noticed me and asked, “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” “No”, I replied, “this is my first time”. She told me I was a natural hooper. Sure, I dropped the hoop several times, but I was having so much fun, I didn’t care. Wait, I was exercising AND having fun? Yes, I was laughing, making friends with others in the class and burning calories at the same time. I was hooked! I couldn’t wait for the next class. I fell in love with hooping. I purchased my own hoop so that I could hoop whenever and wherever I wanted. Hooping allowed me to move my body in new ways. I felt more confident in myself and what my body could do. I was achieving things that I thought were impossible. I sometimes think back to the doubts I had about taking Jen’s hoop class. I’m glad I took a chance. My life is so much better for it. Hooping keeps me active. I may not always be able to get to the gym or to the park to run, but I can always hoop, even if it’s just in my living room.  Hoopnotica has added so much to my life. Hooping has become a great addition to my healthy lifestyle. It has helped me feel more comfortable in my body. It feels more like playing than exercise. I have so much fun each time I step into my hoop. I love how hooping constantly challenges my body. There are always new moves to master. This provides me plenty of opportunity to get a full-body work out, strengthen my coordination and just get out and have fun! Hoopnotica classes have opened me up to a whole community of people who share my passion and enthusiasm for the hoop. I love the variety of hoopers out there. Some enter the hoop for fitness, some for dance, and some to connect their mind, body and soul. The variety of reasons why people hoop is proof of the versatility of this activity. Each time I enter the hoop, it is a unique experience. Sometimes I hoop to burn calories. Sometimes I hoop to lose myself in meditative movement as the hoop rotates around my body. Then there are times when I turn up the music and feel like a rock star in my hoop. The only requirement to hoop is a desire to do so. That desire will fuel your hooping as you build up the muscle memory that will keep the hoop off the floor and around your waist. My advice to anyone who is thinking about giving hooping a try is this; get used to the sound of your hoop hitting the floor. That isn’t the sound of failure. It’s the sound of success. You’re succeeding in trying something new. You’re succeeding in pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. You’re succeeding in building that muscle memory that will help you keep the hoop up longer as you continue to grow as a hooper. Besides, having to bend over and pick up the hoop each time it falls burns calories too. Even when you think you’re failing, you’re still succeeding in getting exercise - laughing the entire time. You just can’t lose! Hooping has allowed me to maintain a healthy weight, meet amazing people, and continually challenges what I think is possible for myself. I encourage everyone to seek out a Hoopnotica class and give it a try. Hooping offers something for everyone.

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"Go from BEFORE to AFTER."

Name: Timothy Age: 32 City: Rochester, NY Occupation: Computer Technician Height: 5’6’’ Past Weight: 222 lbs Current Weight: 142 lbs

jenbeforeafter “I wanted so badly to be a positive and healthy role model for my beautiful young daughter.” My husband Keith and I were seriously overweight most of lives.  We became morbidly obese following our wedding in 2001.  We maintained unhealthy eating habits, and ate to cope with a wide range of emotions. At our heaviest, we weighed nearly 300 pounds each. In September 2009, while at a local amusement park with my four-year-old daughter, I was publically asked to get off a ride, because I was unable to secure the safety bar over my protruding stomach.  Humiliated, I lead my daughter to another ride, only to be called a “fat cow” by the teenage ferris wheel operator. Enough was enough! I was tired of being taunted and discriminated against because of my weight. I wanted so badly to be a positive and healthy role model for my beautiful young daughter.  That day, I pledged to return to the theme park with my child the following year—this time as the healthier, slimmer, hot mama! The task seemed daunting, especially because Keith and I had made some serious attempts to lose weight in the past, without success.  I randomly enrolled in a one-time hooping class near my house.  Intrigued, I sought out further training, but when I couldn’t find any other classes in my area, I decided to order the Hoopnotica Level 1 instructional DVD. I began hooping with Hoopnotica about 15 minutes a day during “open gym” at the YMCA.  I would stake out a little corner to hoop in on the court while the guys played basketball and snickered.  It took me over two weeks just to be able to keep the hoop spinning around my waist, but from day one, I felt a tremendous difference in my core strength, confidence and energy just from the workout involved in dropping, bending over and picking up the hoop. Committing to Hoopnotica as a couple Two months later, I began to master some tricks and lost a significant chunk of  weight. Impressed by my preliminary results, as well as all of the fun I was having, my somewhat skeptical husband, Keith, decided to teach himself to hoop as well with the Hoopnotica DVD.  Keith didn’t initially see his weight as much of an issue. He boasted that he only needed to lose 20 lbs to look fit again, however when he soon reached his goal of 280, he couldn’t even tell the difference—he had so much more weight to lose! From this moment on, Keith and I committed to helping each other lose major poundage by practicing Hoopnotica and making simple lifestyle changes.  We increased our workouts to 30 minutes of hoop time a day, and within a year lost nearly 150 pounds each! Hooping together has really helped us to maintain our weight loss commitment; we have so much fun doing it, and it’s great having a partner to help with the troubleshooting of more complex moves, i.e. jump-ins, duck-outs, not to mention it provides a healthy dose of spousal competition! jen-progress “The best $60 we’ve ever spent!” At a current weight of about 145 lbs, I am now a full time certified Hoopnotica instructor of levels 1 and 2, often teaching up to six classes a day!  Keith became a group fitness instructor and personal trainer.  Our lifestyle changes literally translated to our livelihoods by allowing us to create our own business.  This would not have been possible without Hoopnotica.  When I bought my first hoop, and Hoopnotica DVD for $60 in 2009, Keith had recently been laid off, and I was a stay at home mom.  What seemed at the time like a frivolous purchase was in the end the best $60 we’ve ever spent! (We’ve since seen a return on that $60 X 10,000+!) My weight loss and return to health through hooping has given me the confidence to manifest success in many other areas of my life. I needed this confidence so badly!  I needed to believe in myself. As a hoop instructor, I am proud to share the delight of hooping with my students, and hope that by equipping them with a hoop, I am playing a role in their personal empowerment as well. P.S. in case you’re wondering, I did return to that amusement park, and yes, I am a hot mama!

Name: Jen

Age: 31

City: Rochester, NY Occupation: Hoopnotica Instructor & Fitness trainer Height: 5’5’’ Past Weight: 288 lbs Current Weight: 145 lbs 

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"Go from BEFORE to AFTER."

gabriella-beforeafter My Hoop Journey I always knew I was a bit chubby, but it didn’t stop me from feeling confident and engaging in the activities I loved. Shortly after having my first baby in 2004, at 5’0 and 160 pounds, I made a concerted effort to lose weight. On a whim I signed up for a beginning “hoopdance” class in Hollywood. Totally hooked, I took all of the classes I could find, however was discouraged by the scarcity of offerings, and the inconsistency in instruction. With the help of some great friends, and master trainers, I worked to unify and create a hooping curriculum that was methodical in instruction, easy to follow, fun and accessible to all. Hoopnotica was born from these efforts, and I lost 20 pounds over the course of the summer. I was thrilled about the changes in my body, and excited to share everything I know about Hooping with others. “How was it that I had the most fabulous weight loss tool at my fingertips (i.e. my hoop), and yet was not utilizing it??” Despite my newfound career as the CEO of a rapidly growing fitness company, I was still not hooping or eating healthy enough to make much of a difference in terms of my weight. All of the passion I had about hooping as an amazing source of cardiovascular, fat-burning FUN had taken a back seat to paperwork; research; phone calls, etc. I had become the stereotypical workaholic new mom, and my body was beginning to see the side effects. Instead of confronting the issue head on, I allowed other women to shine in my business- the taller, thinner, more glamorous performers. I felt embarassed of my body, and hid behind my job title, feeling inauthentic about my brand. It wasn’t until an early Hoopnotica launch in Japan, while filming a promotion with other master instructors, that I realized just how badly I felt about my body. The Japanese client took me aside at a photoshoot, and quite blatently informed me in limited English that I was too fat to be in the photos. “Too fat!” she exclaimed, while pointing at a proof with me in it. I was mortified. Here I was, head of a prominent fitness company, and unfit to represent my own brand. My first response was somewhere along the line of “What the ---?? Who do you think I am? I’m not gonna let you treat me this way- I am going home”. Luckily, I was able to calm myself and understand that this wasn’t anything personal. I was simply unfit to represent a fitness brand. The Last Straw I trekked off to India for a meditation retreat. While sitting in “Lotus” position, looking out upon the magnificent Golden Temple in Armritzar at dawn, I was suddenly struck with the sensation that I was too heavy to get up. Indeed, when the meditation was complete, while the others bolted to breakfast, I struggled to merely lift my self off the mosaic laden floor. I rocked a bit back and forth, and felt my rolls press into my chest. OMG- I couldn’t breathe. I pulled myself up, one knee down first...and kinda rolled onto my hip for leverage. This was rediculous! Something shifted deep inside me. I was too uncomfortable in my own skin that day, and something was going to need to change. Determination Back in L.A., I formulated a simple plan. I firmly committed to hooping just 15 minutes, twice a day, as an experiment to see what would happen if I practiced what Hoopnotica preached. I knew that my eating habits were going to play an important role, and so I found an eating plan that I thought would work for me. I decided that “which plan I chose” meant nothing- it was more important to stick to the plan, and practice self-discipline. gabriella-bottom Committing to a daily Hoopnotica practice I started the blog, "The Daily Hooper", in order to document my weight loss with hooping. Blogs are amazing, because in connecting with your readers, you also become accountable to them! No slacking off allowed! I think ultimately, I was finally able to commit to losing weight because of the ease and fun involved in hooping with Hoopnotica. The truth is that traditional exercise bores me. My mind wanders. I’m quick to lose interest. Part of what I hope to encourage with the promotion of Hoopnotica is the idea that working out doesn’t have to mean the kind of sweat, pain, and mind-numbingly dull drudgery that traditional exercise has become. Getting fit CAN be playful and fun! I lost an average 2-3 pounds per week. I felt great, and was amazed by the shapely, slimmer figure that began to emerge. Creating a plan and sticking to it, adding a layer of accountability and not giving up was changing my whole world. It wasn’t long before I went from behind the camera to right in front of it. Since my whopping 60 pound weight loss, I’ve been featured in countless media outlets including hooping appearances on both Dr. Oz and Access Hollywood, in Forbes, and even hooped on stage with the Roots and Pretty Lights. Recently, Olivia Wilde asked me (and my hoops!) to be in the short film, “Free Hugs,” which she wrote and directed. Learning that weight loss is not impossible taught me that I can have anything I want in life. I feel stronger and more in control of everything as a result. I am a better mother; a stronger partner; and a more reliable friend as a result of the changes I made in my life. But more than anything else, I have found that my simple hoop is a tool that helps me control my weight; manage my stress; connect with my friends; and feel like a rock star. What else could I possibly need out of life?

Name: Gabriella

Age: 34

City: Venice, CA Occupation: Founder of Hoopnotica Height: 5’ Past Weight: 185 lbs Current Weight: 125 lbs 

sweetsuccess header medium "Go from BEFORE to AFTER."  
shavonne-beforeafter My Hoop Journey Shavonne had struggled with her weight since childhood. She joined weight watchers in the 6th grade...and over the years subscribed to various fitness/health trends including the P90x and TurboJam. Working full time as a speech pathologist, however, left little room for meal planning and physical activity. Shavonne hit rock bottom, when after graduating college with a major in speech pathology, she tried to donate blood at her local blood bank, and was rejected on the basis of high blood pressure, due to being overweight. This was a devastating turn of events, since giving back to the community had always been an integral part of Shavonne's beliefs. She never thought that her weight could literally preclude her from serving others. It was then that she realized, “You can't help anyone until you learn to help yourself.” Just when Shavonne was more determined than ever to reduce her weight, she became pregnant, and during the course of her pregnancy, her weight reached an all-time high of 225 lbs. After the baby was born she threw out all of her “fat” clothes. There was no going back now, she would have to lose the weight. shavonne-header "I needed to find some way to find myself again." Losing weight was now a must, but making daily trips to the gym seemed even more unfeasible with the new baby. A weight loss program that could be practiced anywhere, at anytime was imperative.  After researching various fitness programs, Shavonne found herself intrigued by the sparkly pink Hoopnotica hoop and was excited to adorn herself with one of her own. In addition, Hoopnotica stood out above other hooping programs because of its cardio benefits, and the fact that it appeared graceful without being too“hippie”. Getting started couldn't have been easier with a perfectly weighted hoop and the Hoopnotica DVD series. “The difference with Hoopnotica, is that I can pick it up anywhere; in the living room, between clients at work, and during my lunch break.” Shavonne hoops an hour a day and has a number of methods to keep motivated. She leaves a hoop everywhere she goes: one in her car, another in her husband's car, and a third in her mother's home. There is a permanent collection of hoops in her office, and it isn't unusual for Shavonne to hoop half of her lunch break away. She loves the fact that Hoopnotica is a social exercise and has persuaded many of her co-workers to join in on the fun. Shavonne continues to spread the word of her success with Hoopnotica as well as instructing others through her own youtube video channel. She has discovered a wealth of techniques that she is quick to share with others. Don't have the space?  Can't hoop outside because of weather? Shavonne suggests hooping on the bed.  “It's actually an extra workout, as it takes more energy to maintain stability.” If that sounds like too much, I'd recommend going to the gym to practice. “Hoopnotica brings me clarity of mind. It's so much like yoga, with the difference being that I am constantly moving.” Shavonne's impressive weight loss enabled her to give blood again, and also give back to the community by becoming a certified Hoopnotica instructor. She now teaches at at an all women's studio in Detroit called “Fix 'n Fitness.” Shavonne was delighted to become the first certified Hoopnotica teacher in Michigan and singlehandedly brought Hoopnotica to Detroit. Name: Shavonne Age: 30 City: Detroit, MI Occupation: Speech Pathologist Height: 5’1’’ Past Weight: 185 lbs Current Weight: 140 lbs sweetsuccess header medium
HELLO BEAUTIFUL HOOPERS Summer is in full swing, and we are celebrating with a new addition to the Hoopnotica family! Introducing the Hoopnotica Minis program! I am addicted to these little 24" hoops, and have had a great time developing a DVD program to teach you everything I know. The Minis are an amazing arm workout, but challenge the core as well. I get so lost in the movement sometimes that I lose track of time, and am really sore the next day. Over the past few months of practicing, I have had a lot of fun and feel stronger as a result. I can't say that about most things in life! All Hoopnotica workouts essentially redefine the work-out. Learning "out of the box" methods of exercising challenges us to redefine the very concept of working out and shift it into a state of play. The Minis are a new extension of the Hoopnotica philosophy; fun, simple, and effective. We hope you decide to take them for a spin soon! :) Consider pre-ordering your copy of the Minis DVD now! You'll get a discount before they're available to the public, and support our brand in bringing this exciting new movement into the world. Keep Hooping! Gabriella Redding, Founder & Hoopmamma   THE SCOOP Minis DVD Available in August Take your practice to the next level with the newest Hoopnotica DVD- Mini Hooping! This new DVD is not only an arm workout, but works the full body, bringing sexy definition to the deltoids (cap sleeve muscles), triceps and biceps (Michelle Obama arms anyone?), lats and sides of your abs (hello strapless and low back dresses). What's more of a bonus than to practice working a pair of hoops in both hands? Minis develop coordination and creativity as well as works both sides of the brain, which leaves you to generate more amazing hooping ideas! This new DVD ships August 20, 2011     WHAT'S HOT NOW Let your lion-like creativity shine with the latest glow in the dark hoop.  Using one of the Brightest Glow Tapes on the market, made especially with the Leo in mind, this gold and burgundy accented hoop is your favorite new tool for displaying your natural tendency toward leadership. Leos are quick to pick up on the art of hooping, and thrive by having an audience to adore the facility with which they perform and acquire fancy tricks.  However, their well-deserved self-confidence can sometimes degenerate into pompous and patronizing arrogance if not balanced with a little humility.  So show us what you’ve got, Leo, but infuse your hooping practice with benevolent and compassionate self-expression. You’ll be sure to attract many fond admirers as you hoop in perfect circles of love. Spin your way through exhaustion and stress with this Hoopnotica classic, The Burnout hoop. Burnout occurs when the body and mind are no longer able to meet the physical and emotional demands of the workplace. Banish fatigue, poor health and other symptoms of burnout with this exquisite hoop.  So take The Burnout to the break room, share it with your colleagues, and return to the cubicle with renewed engagement and vigor! Your boss will be happy you did!
HELLO BEAUTIFUL HOOPERS I'd like to take the opportunity to welcome all the NEW hoopers in the Hoopnotica community! We are so excited to open up our arms to you, and support you every step of the way as you learn this crazy new form of physical expression. Whether you are here to lose weight; learn a new skill; or want to be just like the graceful and beautiful hoopers you've seen "floating" about...we are here to help you accomplish your goals. Hoopnotica is much more than a fitness class- it is a community of people who enjoy their own practice, and share their experiences with each other openly. For many of us, learning the basics was a struggle. Even "simple" skills , like waist or hip hooping, can feel defeating! We might make everything look really easy now, but it has been an internal journey made only possible by the connection we have had to one another in the Hoopnotica community. So if you haven't done so yet, sign onto Facebook, and follow our posts. There are lots of resources in those pages; including many people who share the shame triumphs and struggles as YOU. Let us support your development as a budding hooper! And when you're ready, head out to a local Hoop Jam. It's where hoopers connect and teach each other what they know- you'll learn some easy tricks to impress yourself (and others) with, and maybe nip a bad habit in the bud. There is nothing like a gentle critique from someone who believes in you. I know I speak for all of us when I say- WE BELIEVE IN YOU! Keep Hooping! Gabriella Redding CEO & Hoopmamma   THE SCOOP LOS ANGELES WORKSHOPS   Hoop Making & Hoop Jam July 23rd 2-4pm Come and learn from Hoopnotica's Master Trainer & Hoop Maker Pamela Crawford as she teaches you the secrets to stopping tapes from creasing, keeping spaces even, and most importantly, how to speed up your wrapping time. (Hoop & Tape Included) After your masterpiece is done, give your new dance partner a name and bond during a 1 hour hoop jam. Gain tips and pointers from Pamela on new moves. Sign Up Here Ignite Your Chest & Thigh Hooping August 6th 2-4pm Even if you have never been able to do these moves before, Master Trainer Pamela Crawford, will get you moving fast!  This all level class will get you isolated, in touch with your core, and toned thighs.  You'll enjoy learning new moves that keep you motivated and inspired to hoop more. Sign Up Here Register Now for These One Of A Kind Classes!   WHAT'S HOT NOW Start the Fireworks - Start the celebration - because Hoopnotica is offering a Hot 2 for 1 deal from now until 8:00 am July 5, 2011.  And with our Flat Rate shipping this is a 4th of July purchase that you don't want to miss! Purchase one of the following - Hooper T-Shirt, iHoop T-Shirt and a Blue Travel Hoop with matching strap of the following and receive a 2nd one Free of Charge!  To shop the whole store click here - the clock is ticking!  
HELLO BEAUTIFUL HOOPERS OMG- is it really possible? Could we have solved the hoop shipping problem forever, and lowered our shipping prices to a FLAT $9.99??!! The answer friends, is YES (and hallelujah)!  For those of you new to the Hooping world, I'd like to take a moment to "fill you in" on the epic saga that has been the business of "shipping a full-size hula hoop". 2006-2007 Almost every postal service station refused to ship our hoops without charging oversize fees. In order to keep prices low for our customers, we worked the system to the best of our ability:  a Hoopnotica employee would hand carry the hoops, individually wrapped in bubble tape to a secret post-office in Hollywood. This drive was 45 minutes each way, but we didn't care. "Martha" (not her real name), would let us ship them from her station, because A) She didn't realize it wasn't allowed and B) We brought her baked goods; smiles; and occasionally, a hoop. 2007-2008 We renegotiated our shipping rates with FedEx, after explaining to them just how many of these "big hoops" we were shipping out every day. Our small business was growing, and we created a new partner in the Fed Ex regional manager (again, think cookies and hoops). Until he left the company in 2009. June, 2009 This was the shipping crisis that threatened to take us down. FedEx guy refused to pick them up (he claimed to have a bad back, and was on a diet so the cookies were out). USPS said no way..."Martha" had retired. At this point I considered jumping in the Hoopnotica van to complete the last round of deliveries before filing for Chapter 11. September 2010- present Hoopnotica creates compromise with the shipping world, and purchases full size boxes to ship our hoops in. Although the cost was a big one for the company, and we had to adjust our shipping rates, the postmaster gave their blessing and charged us on weight, not size. AND NOW.... Hoopnotica is proud to be the first to offer flat rates on shipping in the Adult-size Hoop marketplace. We wish to recognize our incredible customer service and product development team for accomplishing THIS seemingly impossible goal, and are happy to pass the savings on to YOU. Flat Rates = Big Savings Flat-tery will get you everywhere; so pop our Hooper Support Team Leader a line and tell her you love her: Seriously- we read our fan mail on our lunch breaks, while cheering with food in our mouths. Happy Summertime Hooping! Gabriella Redding CEO & Hoopmamma   THE SCOOP JOIN THE FAMILY! Learning to teach Hoopnotica is a great way to elevate your skills; get fit; and inspire others!
 We're here to support you in deepening your practice and sharing the hoop love wherever you find yourself. Our Certified Teachers enjoy discounts on Hoopnotica products; press mentions; and are part of a growing community of instructors who participate in a private support forum. You'll gain an in-depth understanding of how to safely instruct and support your friends; your mom; or any one of the many people you'll meet in life while hooping. There is so much interest in this fast moving trend in fitness and self-expression; have you considered becoming part of our team? Join us at an upcoming Hoopnotica Teacher Training. Our program will strengthen your skills as you learn our acclaimed and effective instructional language, and gain the confidence to teach this transformational practice to any BODY at any time.  It's the perfect gift for yourself or a friend who loves to hoop. CLICK HERE and start now! Upcoming Teacher Trainings Alexandria, VA LVL 1 & 2 ~ June 10-12, 2011 Brunswick, ME LVL 1 & 2 ~ July 11 & 12, 2011 Los Angeles, CA LVL 3 & 4, July 30 & 31, 2011 New York, NY~ LVL 1 & 2, July 30 & 31, 2011 Chicago, IL~ LVL 1 & 2, August 14 & 15, 2011 More dates coming soon! Visit the calendar and register online here!
 Email Jocelyn Gordon with your questions: Distance Teacher Training Too Busy.........
With the changes now taking place to widen participation and strengthen teaching and learning at all levels in the hooping community, Hoopnotica Teaching is- more than ever- a dynamic, challenging
and rewarding sector to be involved in.
Our Distance Learning Program will allow you to find
find a workable balance between life, family, and
school. And online doesn’t mean alone, either.  You'll
have the constant support of a dedicated mentor to take you all the way to certification and beyond.
Email Pamela Crawford with your questions:   WHAT'S HOT NOW Hoopnotica Hoop Collections are finally here! Now you can get your favorite hoop design in a variety of sizes, all inspired by our Limited Edition designs. Start with our two most requested styles; the Desert Rose & Night Blooming Jasmine. You'll get two minis (23") , one hybrid (34"), a high performance (36") and one full size (40") available together or separately in your choice of styles. Expand your hooping practices while you expand yourself, in mind, BODY, and spirit with our new Preg-O Hoop available in Baby Pink, Blue and 'Surprise Me' Green! We are making way for you Gemini, as you are attracted to the art of hooping, love novelty and gravitate towards more advanced moves. A daily commitment to the hooping practice is the perfect way to discipline your highly intelligent, yet wandering minds.   HOOPER OF THE MONTH Name: Lily Stagg  Hooper Since: Summer 2010 Age: 18 Location: Lafayette, Louisiana Occupation: waitress, street performer Favorite Hoop: 35 in. 100psi Favorite Song to Hoop to: My friends have drum circles and I love hooping to them. I picked up a hoop last summer and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I had recently been diagnosed with clinical depression which only exacerbated my life long anxiety issues. Also my parents were finally acting on their decade long threats of getting a divorce. In short my life was falling down around my ears. In July of 2010 I met my friends Hannah and Lindsey who happen to be 2 of the most talented hoop girls in our area. I had never seen anyone move with such confidence and grace and they looked so sexy while doing it. I asked them to teach me and to my surprise they were thrilled to have someone else to share the hoop love with and it's such a great way to learn your body! I've always been very into meditation as a means of coping with my anxiety, and to me hooping is the perfect physical extension of that mental control. Technically hooping is teaching your body to DO exactly what you want it to exactly when you want it to in order to defy gravity. Before I started hooping I was a shy, anxious, uncoordinated little girl. Now I am a confident performer and hoop maker.