Fall is here!
Well...not officially, but with the arrival of fall flavors at
Starbucks & other local coffee shops (our personal favorite is
Abbot's Habit in Venice) and an uncharacteristically rainy day here in LA, it's easy to pretend. But before you resign to hibernating in cozy sweaters as the weather cools down, follow our
Healthy HoopStyle blog posts to learn how to lighten those indulgent temptations.
With choices like Salted Caramel Mochas and Pumpkin Spice Lattes, it's hard to believe "light" is even an option. But believe it, because here are some tips to help keep you fit (and well-caffeinated) this fall:
1. Order a small (8 oz) or medium (12 oz)...get the perfect dose of these rich fall flavors, because a 20 oz Large would just be overkill.
2. Make it a "double"...this way, you get an added boost of coffee and fewer calories from other ingredients.
3. Slim with skim...Order your drink with skim milk to save 90 calories and 8 grams of fat, but still benefit from all the protein!
4. Toy with soy...Soy milk is another great alternative to whole milk, and we think it actually makes Pumpkin Spice lattes taste even more delicious!
5. Skip the whip...We are sorry to inform you that one of the best ways to trim fat and calories from your frothy favorite is to request it without whipped cream. Try asking for extra foam instead, and you just might trick yourself into thinking it's the real deal.
6. Just say "skinny"...the codeword for sugarfree syrups at Starbucks, "skinny" drinks are a great way to lighten a drink when possible (unfortunately this is not an option for our favorite Pumpkin Spice drinks, but some things are just worth the splurge).
7. Hoop it up!...Okay, this one doesn't have anything to do with tasty drinks, but it will definitely help keep you fit for fall! And let's be honest, it's always the season for
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