Featured collection
HDPE Dance Hoops

start spinning
Embarking on your hooping journey has never been more exciting! Whether you’re a total beginner or an experienced mover looking to expand your skills, Hoopnotica and Hoopologie are here to inspire and challenge you as you find your rhythm in the dance of the hoop. Check out our learning resources to find hoop teachers and retreats across the globe.
hoop community
The hooping world is full of inspiration, and connecting with fellow hoopers can elevate your practice. Find tutorials, tips, and inspiration on YouTube and social media. We’re here to cheer you on! Show us what you’re working on by tagging us on Instagram or sending us a message. Whether it’s a new trick, a proud moment, or a question about your next steps, we’d love to hear from you!
choose the right hoop
A large, weighted hoop is key for mastering moves—perfect for beginners and essential for skill-building beyond simple tricks. Browse the website and find a hoop that you love, we will make it the perfect size for you. Still have doubts? Email us for a hoop recommendation at info@hoopologie.com.
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CRAFT your own Hoops
Making your own hula hoops is not only fun and rewarding, but it’s also a creative outlet that allows you to design a hoop that perfectly fits your personality and style. Imagine spinning with a custom-made hoop that’s tailored to your exact size, weight, and even favorite colors! Crafting a hula hoop from scratch lets you experiment with different materials, add unique designs, and get hands-on with your creativity. Plus, every time you take it for a spin, you'll feel the pride of using something you made yourself. It’s an ideal way to express your individuality, stay active, and enjoy endless hours of hooping fun.



What has the hoop taught you about life?
The hoop has taught me that movement, expression, and exploration and are essential! These are the tools that guide me back to self and back to my power time and time again. The hoop has taught me how to build my strength, stamina, awareness, and imagination. The hoop has taught me that my self-imposed limitations are just that…self-imposed. And, most importantly the hoop has shown me how to fully enjoy myself and share that love with others!" - Hoopnotica/Hoopologie Ambassador Shani Anne Marvelous
Connect with the Hooping Community
"I love the fact that every hooper is eager to share the latest tricks he learned or developed. There is no holding back of knowledge but a deep understanding that by expanding our community we will all have more fun. I specially like it when hoopers are gathering for conventions and workshop weekends. The energy is simply amazing being in the same room with so many enthusiastic people looking for more inspiration and exploring their passion." -Hoopologie Ambassador Lisa Looping
What is the Flowstate
"To me, flow is a state of forgetfulness. It’s a rich and powerful moment when I am so connected with my body and my space that everything else fades away, leaving me to focus solely on myself. It feels as if my prop has come to life, and I’m following its lead in our dance together. In these moments, I forget that I am a mother, a wife, a sister, or a daughter; I am simply me, existing in this space, feeling everything I need to feel and channeling that energy into my movement." - Hoopologie Ambassador Alicia AKA @piggy.pi

Meet Our Ambassador
Nuria Luna Llena
Nuria Florencia Perez Toran also known as Nuria Luna Llena is a professional hula hoop artist and instructor from Buenos Aires, Argentina,currently based in Barcelona. She is best known for her teaching style which focuses on sharing tools to create, play, explore and unleash our Hoop creativity. In both her classes and performances, she seeks to capture and express the power, passion and dedication to this art with the motto" Hoop with your Space. Hoop with your Imagination. Hoop with your Memories. Hoop With your Body and Soul."
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Blog posts

Comparison: Weighted Hoops vs. Lightweight Hoops
Both weighted hoops and lightweight hoops serve different purposes and offer unique benefits depending on fitness goals, skill level, and intended use. Below is a detailed comparison: 1. Fitness &...
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Ambassador Spotlight: Jeon Eun Seon
To me, the flow state means complete immersion and meditation. I believe it’s essential to have alone time each day. When I’m hooping, I lose track of time and feel as if the boundaries o...
Read moreThe 5 Rules Of Weight Loss To Get You Started On A Healthy Path!
The 5 Rules Of Weight Loss To Get You Started On A Healthy Path! We all want to feel good about ourselves. Whether it's to look better or something as simple as climbing a flight of stairs without...
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